Men and women were created equal in many ways, but there are a few things that men might find funnier than women and vice versa. As such, there’s a meme page on social media that is solely dedicated to posting memes that might draw more chuckles from men. Most of them are funny because they involve the silly things men can get up to and get away with.

From social media fails to funny real-life snapshots of men caught in hilarious situations, there’s a bit of everything to get you laughing out loud. Sure, some of these are universally funny and applicable too, but if you’re a guy, they might just ring a little bit more true to you.

We are so curious to find out which of these you find most hilarious or relatable. And ladies, some of these are technically about you, so don’t go anywhere just yet!

Not on The Furniture

We have seen it a million times before. A dad tells his family they can get a dog, but it has to sleep outside. And then small compromises sneak in. Before you know it, now they’re allowed inside, but not on the furniture or the bed. 

Image Credit: Men’s Humor/Facebook

And then eventually, it ends up exactly as it did for this doggy; they either sleep in the arms of the dad or they get their very own sofa so they won’t steal dad’s chair. All we can say is that we love this.

Treasure Awaits

Raccoons are jokingly called trash pandas because they somewhat resemble red pandas and because you can often find them destroying garbage bags or digging through trash bins. With that in mind, it is now clear that this little guy has struck gold. 

Image Credit: Men’s Humor/Facebook

He probably got stuck on this truck after the garbage services emptied a trashcan with him inside, but it seems like he is going to the promised land where all his dreams of bountiful trash await. He is going to a landfill! How exciting!

Petty Payback

We do not want to press anyone’s buttons here, but there is a reason that women are more easily insured than men when it comes to driving. Sure, you might see them do some makeup whilst in traffic or make some questionable parking decisions. 

Image Credit: Men’s Humor/Facebook

But let’s be honest, men, the statistics don’t lie—men do risky things like trying to cut off a massive truck in traffic. Just know the bond between truckers having each other’s backs is more robust than your ego. Sit tight, buddy. 

Look Closely

This pet owner snapped an adorable snapshot of his cat being told that he is a little overweight. We can only imagine the vet is saying something like, “Listen, buddy, it’s time to get a little more active and chase some lady cats to shed some pounds.”

Image Credit: Men’s Humor/Facebook

Of course, cats won’t understand the charts this vet is holding, yet it seems like the two guys are sharing such a bond and that the cat kind of understands what is being said to him. No more late-night snack runs with Dad!

3-in-1 Wash

The irony of this image hits home. How is it that men can use a product that is intended for their bodies, and it still results in such gorgeous locks? Is it something in their genes, or is it a secret ingredient in the “body” wash? 

Image Credit: Men’s Humor/Facebook

Most women are known to use at least a shampoo meant for hair and a conditioner. A lot of women spend hundreds or even thousands on other hair care to achieve the same healthy hair as men who use literal body wash. Life is unfair!

Pet Projects

Adding a pet to your family is a huge responsibility. It is like having a child, so we understand why some dads want to avoid another significant responsibility being added to the family. However, it often ends up like this. 

Image Credit: Men’s Humor/Facebook

They slowly but surely love the loyalty that dogs bring them. Plus, dogs are cheaper than kids, have fewer errands, and won’t turn into moody teens. So, we understand why they end up going to great lengths to build a little home for their dog companions. 

Modern Solutions

Dads are notoriously known to have some unconventional but genius hacks when it comes to kids, and we love that this dad had a very straightforward approach to keeping the peace in the car on the journey to the grocery store.

Image Credit: Men’s Humor/Facebook

Having three small children is no easy feat, and fights will often happen, especially if they are crammed closely in one car for long periods of time. So, to stop them from having contact with each other, which will stop the fighting, just pop in some plywood between the seats!

Bachelor Special

Women can add a comforting touch to a home—that is a unique trait that comes with femininity. However, many men start off or end up like this, and they live with it in absolute peace without any issues. We just know there is a lady out there wanting to add some throw pillows. 

Image Credit: Men’s Humor/Facebook

But it seems like when the relationship or married life starts to sour, it can often result in this. All you need is a semi-comfortable bed, a blanket, and of course, your TV or entertainment setup. Nothing more, nothing less. 

Construction Humor

In a physically demanding job like a construction worker’s job, you have to relieve some tension every now and then and goof around. Just look at what this guy did when he realized his hard hat would allow him to make a shadow puppet turtle. 

Image Credit: Men’s Humor/Facebook

It is funny because when your supervisor asks you this question, you either answer with a pre-prepared answer or you’re caught off guard, and this pops up in your head. Now, does anyone have some cheat sheets for this question?


When you think of sleepovers, it is easy to imagine a bunch of teenage girls dancing in PJs to their favorite boybands, doing each other’s nails, and sharing some hot gossip about the cutest guy in school. Just regular slumber party activity, right?

Image Credit: Men’s Humor/Facebook

But that view is a result of society and stereotypes. We love to see grown men break the stereotypes and have a slumber party of their own—it’s adorable. This is a great example of male friends hanging out with pizza in front of the football at a “sleepover.” Sounds like a fun time.  

Body Warnings

This is applicable to everyone who has ever stood up too fast and felt dizzy, disoriented, and maybe even saw stars. Almost every single warning sign on the car’s dashboard started flashing to signal that there was something strange going on. 

Image Credit: Men’s Humor/Facebook

Just like your body sending you warning signs with dizziness or stars, it kind of feels like your engine is sending you all the warnings! Change oil, top up water levels, clean wipers, a door is open, do not take off!


If you’re a dog owner, you understand this meme immediately; if you’re not, allow us to explain. When dogs are in the mood for playing, all you have to do to active zoomies mode (where they act all crazy) is drop down 2 inches, and they’re ready. 

Image Credit: Men’s Humor/Facebook

It’s a common play tactic, and it works 99% of the time! Ready, set, drop 2 inches, and go! It also works on dogs that don’t belong to you but beware, they might attack instead of play! Proceed with caution and maybe lots of treats!

Nope, Not Today

If you have seen the movie Final Destination, you know exactly why everyone is avoiding this truck and would rather sit in 2 or 3 more cycles of this traffic light. Death will simply not catch up with us today!

Image Credit: Men’s Humor/Facebook

If you haven’t watched it, go watch it, or else prepare for some spoilers! The movie includes a scene where a car is driving behind a truck loaded with logs—just like this truck is. An unfortunate accident causes some logs to fall off and impale the car behind it. 

Talk of The Town 

Ah yes, remember when we hated younger guys saying wacky nonsense? All these weird sayings and slang that made 0 sense, and then one day, you wake up and find yourself finally understanding it because you just said it to your supervisor. 

Image Credit: Men’s Humor/Facebook

We could get technical and say it’s probably social mimicking taking a toll on you, but that’d be boring. You are hip and cool, or whatever the new slang word is for “hip and cool.” Go out there and say cool slang words like “yeet!” That’s what the kids are saying, right?


Do you know what it means to be “hangry”? It is a common phenomenon where if you are hungry, you become irate and, honestly, usually a bit mean—hence the new term “hangry.” It seems to be something that everyone has experienced before. 

Image Credit: Men’s Humor/Facebook

Girls can get mad at guys for a multitude of reasons, and most of the time, if it’s about silly little things, she’s probably hangry. It can all be solved with just a little bit of food, and she’ll be back to normal again.

Bed Time

Unless you’re some sort of abnormality to the rule, anyone over 25 would agree that if you have been out and it is already 10 pm, the night is over. We aren’t teenagers, we have jobs, and they’re difficult to do with hangovers. 

Image Credit: Men’s Humor/Facebook

Heck, we’d already be in bed at 10 pm! Who are these people up till midnight and can still show up for work sharp and ready at 7 am? What magical potion do you have every morning? Coffee can only work miracles to a certain degree. 

It’s Adulthood Now

If you are this age, you completely understand the weird shift your life has taken. Where are the days of being confused as to why Dad was so excited about a 10-pack of socks on Christmas? It seemed like a boring gift then, but a gift from heaven now.

Image Credit: Men’s Humor/Facebook

So, of course, when you get a new appliance, it’s pretty literally life-changing. Bonus points if it has a timer, so we don’t have to stand there for 20 minutes to make sure whatever we are cooking does not burn!


This is applicable to everyone who has to get up before dawn or, honestly, any time before 8 am. Just let us sleep in, we don’t want to get up this early, and it will take at least 7 times hitting snooze on every one of the 40 alarms we set.

Image Credit: Men’s Humor/Facebook

We all have a little bit of Snorlax in us, the large Pokemon known to sleep wherever for long times. We have to give thanks to all those alarms trying their best to get us out of bed. Now, just one more snooze, and we promise we’ll get up.

Looking Good

It looks like this dog is in his own world with a sense of ignorant bliss, but the poor guy is actually trying his best to see where the delicious smell is coming from, and none of his buddies are helping him stare in the right direction. 

Image Credit: Men’s Humor/Facebook

It’s okay little guy; we’ve all been there. Sometimes it just doesn’t click for us, either. At least he is close enough to smell some of the food, and he looks like he is doing his best. You better give that good boy a piece of your leftovers!